September 15, 1990 Public Brand Software 3750 Kentucky Ave. Indianapolis, IN 46241 Greetings, Although I have yet placed only one or two orders, I have long enjoyed both your catalog and the service that you provide. I hope you find the submissions on this disk suitable for inclusion in your Shareware library. Besides this README.TXT file, four self-contained, distributable files are also enclosed on this disk, each in the ZIP file archive format. The four programs are: MORSE-21 MORSE (version 2.1) is a program for the IBM PC and PC compatibles that teaches its users the International Morse Code representation of characters by repetitively drilling them in a "flash-card" manner. A total of 46 characters have been incorporated; the letters A - Z; the digits 0 - 9; and the following punctuation marks: period, comma, question mark, colon, semicolon, apostrophe, hyphen, parenthesis, slash, and the underline mark. 555TIMER Because of its low cost, durability, and ease of use, the 555 timer is one of the most widely used chips by electronic hobbyists. This program performs two types of calculations for 555 trimmers operating in their oscillating mode. It can either (1) calculate the necessary external components to produce a given output or (2) it can calculate the resulting output from a given set of external components. DELTA-Y While the equations associated with the Delta-Wye transformation are not necessarily difficult, they can be time consuming to locate and then calculate. This program places the results of such calculations at your fingertips. Just enter the values of resistances in a delta configuration and the program will display the component values for the corresponding wye configuration, or visa versa. LINEREGR When is a straight line not a straight line? This program can find the answer. It allows the user to input a set of data and then, using the Linear Regression algorithm, calculates the slope and intercept of the line that best fits the data. The program also calculates the "correlation coefficient," a number that describes how well the data can be estimated by the calculated straight line. Thank you (in advance) for adding these programs to your archive. Any advice you could give on future versions or programs would be greatly appreciated. Sincerely, James E. Tarchinski (aka Aurora Software) 2860 Pine Knoll #200D Auburn Hills, MI 48326